Interviews. Anti Islam? Why? Anti sharia law? Why? Pro universal human rights? Why? Facts about Islam and Muslim Culture.
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Anti Islam beliefs, pro freedom of speech Chris Knowles - anti sharia law Nonie Darwish - Infidel Nicolai Sennels, psychologist - Islamic beliefs, Muslim rage Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, anti-Sharia law Elsa, truth about Islam and the West     buy interviews

Nonie Darwish - Arabs for Israel, Middle East Peace   Monday Nonie Darwish - Infidel - Arabs for Israel Nonie Darwish  - more buy now Nonie Darwish - Infidel - Arabs for Israel Nonie Darwish  - more buy now

Nicolai Sennels - Muslim Violence, Rage, Rape   Monday Nicolai Sennels - Muslim psychology Nicolai Sennels - Muslim psychology buy now Nicolai Sennels - Muslim psychology Nicolai Sennels - Muslim psychology Nicolai Sennels - Muslim psychology buy now

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Pax Europa, European values and Freedoms   Monday Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff - anti Sharia, pro European freedoms Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff - anti Sharia, pro European freedoms buy now Elisabet Sabattitsch-Wolff - anti Sharia, pro European freedoms Elisabet Sabattitsch-Wolff - anti Sharia, pro European freedoms buy now

Chris Knowles - Freedom of Speech, Anti Sharia, Muslim Beliefs   Monday Chris Knowles - ICLA - human rights, anti Sharia Chris Knowles - ICLA - human rights, anti Sharia buy now Chris Knowles - ICLA - human rights, anti Sharia Chris Knowles - ICLA - human rights, anti Sharia buy now

Elsa, truth sleuth - facts about Islam and the West   Monday Elsa - truth sleuth - Islam, the West Elsa - truth sleuth - Islam, the West buy now Elsa - truth sleuth - Islam, the West Elsa - truth sleuth - Islam, the West buy now


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Muslim beliefs, Islamic beliefs and the West

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Islamic culture, multiculturalism and political correctness

Interviews. Personal Stories.
Anti Islam? Why? Anti sharia law? Why?
Pro universal human rights? Why?
Facts about Islam and Muslim Culture -
including Muslim rage, hate, anger.

Nonie Darwish, Nicolai Sennels, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Chris Knowles and Elsa, Aruna Papp and Vince Lombardo. Those are the 5 people being interviewed.

Some of the questions are: Who are they as people? What brought them to pay attention to Islam, Islamic culture and beliefs, Sharia law? Why are they anti Sharia law and, through this, anti Islam - anyway, anti political Islam?

Political Islam - also known as Islamism - seeks to get rid of universal human rights and replace these with laws that solidly place non-Muslims are second class (lower, actually).

And then, what brought 4 of these people to pay attention to the truth about Islam, about Islamic culture and Islam as religion?

But the bigger questions here? How did these 5 people come to pay attention to facts about Islam and the West, truths about Islam and the West?

The same information is available to all. But these people faced it.

Other questions. What exactly have they discovered, and how have they sought to get this information known? Also, what have consequences been? Media stardom? No.

What brought all 5 to find serious flaws in prevalent ideas about multiculturalism, and to try to be heard despite the loud voices of political correctness?

All 5 people are united in being for truth, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and all are anti Sharia law. How did they come to this position? And what are they doing? For that, listen to their personal journeys into discovering Islam and also the harsh political correctness of the West.

Interviews. Personal Stories.
Anti Islam? Why? Anti sharia law? Why?
Pro universal human rights? Why?
Facts about Islam and Muslim Culture -
including Muslim rage, hate, anger.

free ebook on Islam


To go from what some call anti Islam and criticism of Islam,
but is freedom of speech about Sharia law and
Muslim violence, rage, rape, and hate,
to the home page, click here

To go from what some call criticism of Islam,
but is freedom of speech about facts about Islam,
such as Muslim violence including rape,
to resources about Islam, click here

World Truth Summit


Personal Journeys Toward Difficult Truths:
Understanding Islam, Understanding the West

likely including ...

Phyllis Chesler
Phyllis Cheslr

Hege Storhaug
Hege Storhaug

Bat Ye'or
Bat Ye'or

Bruce Bawer
Bruce Bawer

Jamie Glazov
Jamie Glasov

Tarek Fatah
Tarek Fatah

GP Walsh
GP Walsh

Nicky Larkin
NIcky Larkin

free ebook on Islam




Robert Spencer
Robert Spencer

Mark Durie
Mark Durie

Pamela Geller
Pamela Geller

Bill Warner
Bill Warner

Raheel Raza
Raheel Raza

Fred Litwin
Fred Litwin

Valerie Price
Valerie Price

Gavin Boby
Gavin Boby

Aruna Papp
Aruna Papp

Eric Allen Bell
Eric Allen Bell

V Lombardo
Vince Lombardo

Nicolai Sennels
Nicolai Sennels

Elisabeth S-W
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Nonie Darwish
Nonie Darwish

Chris Knowles
Chris Knowles

Elsa, Truth Sleuth

Andy Miller
Andy Miller

Alain Wagner
Alain Wagner

Freedom Annie
Freedom Annie

Majed El Shafie
Majed El Shafie


Citizen Warrior
Citizen Warrior

click here


To go from what some call anti Islam,
but is freedom of speech about the truth about Islam,
including Muslim rage and hate,
to resources on Islamic beliefs, and more,
click here


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