Narain Kataria, human rights activist against terrorism. Indian American Intellectuals Forum. Human Rights Coalition against Radical Islam.

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Narain Kataria - Hindu Activist against Islamic Terrorism
Hindu Activist
Islamic Terrorism

Why Hindus are Angry at Muslims in India


Narain Kataria was 18. His life changed. He was living, a Hindu, in a part of India that became part of Pakistan. He survived. Over a million Hindus and Sikhs - a very conservative count - did not.

Here are facts that few non-Hindus know about the partition of India:

In the 1946 elections [in India], more than 90% of the Muslims voted for the breakup of greater India and the creation of a Muslim land called Pakistan. Despite getting their Muslim land – believe it or not – only 15% Muslims left for Pakistan and 85% of them stayed put in India.

At the time of the partition of India in 1947, there were 20% Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan. Now there are only 1% or so. In 1947 there were more than 30% Hindus in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). At this time there are only 8%.

Conversely, during the same period the Muslim population in India has been rising with leaps and bounds. Muslim numbers in India have risen from 9% in 1951 to 15% now. Hindus abhor this. In the unprecedented rise of Muslim population in India, Hindus clearly see a mortal threat to their very existence as Hindus. They see this as a conspiracy to breakup and divide their country all over again.

Narain Kataria,
Letter to the Editor,
India Tribune, Aug 31, 2008
Click here for the full letter)

To come back to Narain, the seeds of his activism go back to his experience at 18 - the horrific violence against Hindus and Sikhs that took place during the partition of India - after which most Muslims stayed put, if they were in what was left of India - and most Hindus were slowly but surely (or quickly and violently) pushed out of what became Pakistan and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

He did what he could later on, but it's only in his retirement that his activist tendencies have been able to flourish. His time has been, since 1998, devoted 24/7 to doing what he can to promote awareness of Hindu issues, and of the worldwide danger of Islamic terrorism.

Now Narain Kataria is the President of Indian American Intellectuals Forum. The main objective of this forum is to strengthen Indo-American relations and create an awareness in Indian-Americans and non-Indian Americans, and educate them about the menace of terrorism all over the world. He is also the co-founder of Human Rights Coalition against Radical Islam.

He is connected with several Hindu organizations. He was a member of the Governing Council of Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America and Organizing Secretary of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh for New York State.

Narain Kataria has lived in New York for the last 42 years. He has a Master’s degree in History. After retirement from a prominent law law firm in New York in 1998, he has been able to devote himself to his lifelong passionate human rights concern about what is happening with Hindus in India, and about the danger of Islamic terrorism.

Whenever there is any problem for the Hindu community in any part of the world, this forum takes the lead, organizes protests, sends thousands of emails and petitions to the concerned authorities.

Here is the interview with Narain Kataria.

To listen:


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right-click and select "Save As".
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Here is Narain Kataria's

Nrain Kataria - Hindu Rights vs Islamic Terrorism


I was so sorry to read of Narain's death.

It came a little over a year after the interview with him, on November 5th, 2015.

Here are tributes to this warm and caring man:

His blog could still be found at for a time, but is no longer there. I hope someone has preserved it somewhere.

The last entry in his blog was from October 30, 2015, just days before his death. It's about events in Austria. It shows his concern about Islam worldwide.

For more information on all the people
interviewed in July 2014, click here

Human Rights Activism - Interviews with Activists

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Narain Kataria,
human rights activist against terrorism.
Indian American Intellectuals Forum.
Human Rights Coalition against Radical Islam.

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of this interview series on
ethics, caring, faith, truth and activism.

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and advocate of human rights,
to more resources on Islamic beliefs,
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To discover the first 5 of 20
people interviewed in 2012-2013, click here.
Muslim beliefs, Islam and Islamic Beliefs, Political Correctness

World Truth Summit


From Ethics and Caring,
to Activism for Human Rights
including Freedom of Speech,
and to Truth Telling instead of
Political Correctness.


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Narain Kataria
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Nonie Darwish

Chris Knowles

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Citizen Warrior


Narain Kataria,
human rights activist against terrorism.
Indian American Intellectuals Forum.
Human Rights Coalition against Radical Islam.

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on ethics, faith, truth and activism -
activism against Islamic jihad -
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interview series on human rights activists
speaking the truth about Islam,
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