Nothing in Andre's early life indicated he'd become a strong advocate for human rights and against Sharia. He was a good student who went on to serve in the military and to earn an engineering degree. He worked for major multinationals companies for 25 years. He retired early but continued to work on as a consultant.
The year 2004 was a bit of a turning point. He started to see in Canada what he had seen in some other countries - about multiculturalism, which was supposed to be such a good thing, but wasn't from all he had seen.
So he used his expertise to start collecting and analyzing data related to immigration and multiculturalism. His conclusion: Canada was heading the wrong way, into dangerous territory.
In 2006, he
made a presentation to some Canadian leaders. At the time, none of them would admit that a peaceful country like Canada could nest terrorists or terrorists-to-be. Nor could they admit that the Canadian immigration process was totally broken and costing Canadians billions per year.
That wasn't what got Andre international attention.
That happened the next year, 2007, when he wrote the famous / infamous Herouxville Code of Life.
It's a short pamphlet that bluntly says that multiculturalism is a tool that will lead to the destruction of a country, and that religious accommodation is something we must keep away from. That may not be politically correct, but still, how did it blast Andre and Herouxville onto the world stage?
First, Andre was a town councilor at the time, and the town council passed the Code of Life, so it was more than something written by a private citizen.
Second, Andre made sure the media heard of it.
Third, Code of Life doesn't stay with theory. It gets into specifics. It lists societal norms for would-be immigrants. For instance,
a man cannot stone a woman to death,
nor burn her with acid,
faces are not to be covered except at Halloween,
and children cannot carry weapons, including Sikh kirpans, to school.
The majority of the population - about 80% -
wass supportive of the Code.
The media was not.
And many Muslims were extremely vocal in their disapproval.
Death threats.
Police protection. Luckily, Andre has a very supportive wife.
Since then Andre has not stopped. He wants to find a way to implement secularism in Canada, making it clear that state and religion cannot be mixed. As he says,
Either Canada is a democracy or it is a theocracy. It can't be a mixture of both. Such a mixture is explosive. The main obstacle then becomes the Canadian Charter of Rights where one can read "we acknowledge the supremacy of God." That is the contrary of secularism.
For the interview
with Andre Drouin, click here
For information on the 4 people
interviewed Nov 2014, click here
For info on the people interviewed
Aug 2014, click here
For info on the people interviewed
July 2014, click here
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Andre Drouin.
Pro secularism. Against multiculturalism.
His daring Herouxville Code of Life proclaims:
a man cannot stone a woman to death
nor burn her with acid.
To go from Andre Drouin, creator of
the Herouxville Code of Life which is against
religious accommodation,
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people interviewed in 2012-2013,
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From Ethics and Caring,
to Activism for Human Rights
including Freedom of Speech,
and to Truth Telling instead of
Political Correctness.
Bat Ye'or
Bruce Bawer
Jamie Glazov
Phyllis Chesler
Hege Storhaug
Robert Spencer
Bill Warner
Narain Kataria
Elaine Black
Chris Logan
Andrew Harrod
Tamar Yonah